Peer-Reviewed / Refereed: Accepted/In Press
Ricketts C., Kurimo-Beechuk E., Mills W., Cooper R.J., Schweitzer S., Wiggers E., and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. Multi-scale analyses of habitat selection and demographic consequences for South Carolina Clapper Rails (Rallus crepitans). Waterbirds. Accepted in Revision.
Prebyl, T.J. and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. Evaluation and interpretation of MODIS-derived forest phenology in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Remote Sensing of Environment. Accepted In Revision.
Journal and Refereed Publications
Mcgovern P., Buhlmann K., Todd B., Moore C., Peaden J.M., Hepinstall-Cymerman J., Daly J., and T. Tuberville. 2020. Comparing husbandry techniques for optimal head-starting of the Mojave desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii). Herpetological Conservation and Biology 15: 626-641
Mckee R., Buhlmann K., Moore C., Hepinstall-Cymerman J., and T. Tuberville. 2020. Waif gopher tortoise survival and site fidelity following translocation. Journal of Wildlife Management
Teitelbaum C.S., Hepinstall-Cymerman J., Kidd-Weaver A., Hernandez S.M., Altizer S., and R.J. Hall. 2020. Urban specialization reduces habitat connectivity by a highly mobile wading bird. Movement Ecology 8 (1)
Mcgovern P., Buhlmann K., Todd B., Moore C., Peaden J.M., Hepinstall-Cymerman J., Daly J., and T. Tuberville. 2020. The effect of size on post-release survival of head-started Mojave desert tortoises. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management
German L.A., Hepinstall-Cymerman J., Biggs T., Parker L., and M. Salinas. 2020. The environmental effects of sugarcane expansion: A case study of changes in land and water use in southern Africa. Applied Geography 121:102240
Kidd-Weaver A., Hepinstall-Cymerman J., Welch C.N., Murray M.H., Adams H.C., Ellison T.J., Yabsley M.J., and S.M. Hernandez. 2020. The movements of a recently urbanized wading bird reveal changes in season timing and length related to resource use. PLOS ONE 15 (3):e0230158
Castleberry S.B., Bland C.R., Beck J.M., Kurimo-Beechuk E., Morris K.M., and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2020. Multi-scale assessment of male Northern Yellow Bat roost selection. The Journal of Wildlife Management 84(4): 697-704
Holland A.E., Byrne M.E., Hepinstall-Cymerman J., Bryan A. L., DeVault T.L., Rhodes Jr O.E., and J.C. Beasley. 2019. Evidence of niche differentiation for two sympatric vulture species in the Southeastern United States. Movement Ecology 7 (31) doi:10.1186/s40462-019-0179-z
Kurimo-Beechuk E., Cooper R.J., Hepinstall-Cymerman J., Wilde S.B., Jones C.D., and S.E. Knafo. 2019. Hematology, biochemistry, and metal contaminant levels in wild-caught clapper rail (Rallus crepitans) in Northeastern Florida. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50(2) 503-507
Majewska A.A., Satterfield D.A., Harrison R.B., Altizer S., and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2019. Urbanization predicts infection risk by a protozoan parasite in non-migratory populations of monarch butterflies from the southern coastal U.S. and Hawaii. Landscape Ecology 34(3) 649-661
Chandler R. B., Hepinstall-Cymerman J., Merker S., Abernathy-Conners H., and R.J. Cooper. 2018. Characterizing spatio-temporal variation in survival and recruitment with integrated population models. The Auk 135(3) 409-426. doi:10.1642/AUK-17-181.1
Cecala K. K., Maerz J. C., Halstead B. J., Frisch J. R., Gragson T. L., Hepinstall-Cymerman J., and C.M. Pringle. 2018. Multiple drivers, scales, and interactions influence southern Appalachian stream salamander occupancy. Ecosphere 9(3) e02150. doi:10.1002/ecs2.2150
Murray M. H., Kidd A. D., Curry S. E., Hepinstall-Cymerman J., Yabsley M. J., Adams H., Welch C., and S.M. Hernandez. 2018. From wetland specialist to hand-fed generalist: shifts in diet and condition with provisioning for a recently urbanized wading bird. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 373(1745) 20170100. doi:10.1098/rstb.2017.0100
Ferguson P. F.B., Conroy M. J., and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2017. Assessing conservation lands for forest birds in an exurban landscape. Journal of Wildlife Management doi:10.1002/jwmg.21295
Stoker D., Falkner A. J., Murray K. M., Lang A. K., Barnum T. R., Hepinstall-Cymerman J., Conroy M. J., Cooper R. J., and C. M. Pringle. 2017. Decomposition of terrestrial resource subsidies in headwater streams: Does consumer diversity matter? Ecosphere 8(6):e01868.10.1002/ecs2.1868
Jafari N., Nuse B. L., Moore C. T., Dilkina B., and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2017. Achieving full connectivity of sites in the multiperiod reserve network design problem. Computers & Operations Research 81:119-127
Chandler R., and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2016. Estimating the spatial scales of landscape effects on abundance and other demographic parameters. Landscape Ecology 31:1383-1394
Cannon J.B., Hepinstall-Cymerman J., Godfrey C.M., and C.J. Peterson. 2016. Landscape-scale patterns of forest tornado damage in mountainous terrain. Landscape Ecology 31:2097-2114
Walton Z.L., Poudyal N.C., Hepinstall-Cymerman J., Gaither C.J., and B.B. Boley. 2016. Exploring the role of forest resources in reducing community vulnerability to the heat effects of climate change. Forest Policy and Economics 71:94-102
Hardy R.D., Hepinstall-Cymerman J., and L. Fowler. 2016. Prioritizing conservation easement recruitment efforts: A policy-informed conservation assessment of private land. Southeastern Geographer 56(1): 81-100
Stuber O.S., Kirkman L.K., and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2016. The ecological condition of geographically isolated wetlands of the Dougherty Plain of southwestern Georgia: the relationship between landscape level assessments and macrophyte assemblages. Ecological Indicators 62:191-200
Ferguson P. F. B., Conroy M. J., Chamblee J. F., and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2015. Using structured decision making with landowners to address private forest management and parcelization: balancing multiple objectives and incorporating uncertainty. Ecology and Society 20(4):27
Ferguson P., Conroy M., and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2015. Occupancy models for data with false positive and false negative errors and heterogeneity across sites and surveys. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6:1396-1406
Hepinstall-Cymerman J., Coe S., and L. Hutyra. 2013. Patterns of land cover change in the Central Puget Sound, Washington, 1986-2001. Urban Ecosystems 16(1):109-129
Moore R., Williams T., Rodriguez E., and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2013. Using nonmarket valuation to target conservation payments: an example involving Georgia's private forests. Journal of Forestry 111(4):261-270
Marten G.I., Hepinstall-Cymerman J., and K. Kirkman. 2013. Six decades (1948-2001) of landscape change in the Dougherty Plain of southwest Georgia, USA Southeastern Geographer 53(1): 28-49
Webb W.C., Marzluff J.M., and J.Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2012. Differences in space use by common ravens in relation to sex, breeding status and kinship. The Condor 114(3):584-594
Marten G.I., Kirkman K., and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2012. Mapping geographically isolated wetlands in the Dougherty plain, Georgia, USA. Wetlands 32:149-160
Parrish M.P., and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2012. Associations between multi-scale landscape characteristics and breeding bird abundance and diversity across urban-rural gradients in Northeastern Georgia, USA. Urban Ecosystems 15:559-580
Hepinstall-Cymerman J., Marzluff J. M., and M. Alberti. 2012. Predicting avian community responses to increasing urbanization. Pp. 223–248 in C. A. Lepczyk and P. S. Warren (editors). Urban bird ecology and conservation. Studies in Avian Biology (no. 45), University of California Press, Berkeley, CA
Trombulak S.C., Baldwin R.F., Lawler J.J., Cymerman-Hepinstall J., and M.A. Anderson. 2012. Landscape-scale conservation planning for climate change in the Northern Appalachian/Acadian ecoregion. Pages 227-239 in C.C. Chester, J.A. Hilty and M.S. Cross (editors). Climate and Conservation: Landscape and seascape science, planning, and action. Island Press
Webster J.R., Benfield E.F., Cecala K., Chamblee J.F., Dehering C., Gragson T., Hepinstall J., Jackson C.R., Knoepp J., Leigh D., Maerz J., Pringle C., and H.M. Valett. 2012. Water quality and exurbanization in southern Appalachian streams. Pages 91-106 in P.J. Boon and P.J. Raven (editors). River Conservation and Management. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, UK
Webb WC, Marzluff JM, and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2011. Linking resource use with demography in a synanthropic population of common ravens. Biological Conservation 144(9): 2264-2273
Kertson B.N., Spencer R.D., Marzluff J.M., Hepinstall-Cymerman J., and C.E. Grue. 2011. Cougar space use and movements in the wildland-urban interface of western Washington. Ecological Applications 21(8):2866-2881
Parrish M.P., and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2011. Using geospatial data and principles of landscape ecology to identify field sites and characterize landscapes. Annals of GIS 17:63-72
Hutyra L.B., Yoon B., Hepinstall-Cymerman J., and M. Alberti. 2011. Carbon consequences of land cover change and expansion of urban lands: a case study in the Seattle metropolitan region. Landscape and Urban Planning 103:83-93
Grosse A. M., Maerz J. C., Hepinstall-Cymerman J., and M. E. Dorcas. 2011. Effects of roads and crabbing pressures on Diamondback Terrapin populations in coastal Georgia. Journal of Wildlife Management 75(4):762-770. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.104
Hepinstall-Cymerman, J. 2011. Ecological modeling in urban environments: predicting changes in biodiversity in response to future urban development. Pp 359-370 in X. Yang, ed. Urban remote sensing: monitoring, synthesis and modeling in the urban environment
Merry K.L., Bettinger P., Grebner D.L., and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2010. Perceptions of foresters of wind damage in Mississippi forests. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 34(3): 124-130
Lawler J.L. and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2010. Conservation planning in a changing climate: assessing the impacts of potential range shifts on a reserve network. Pp. 325-348 in S. Trombulak and R. Baldwin, eds. Landscape-scale Conservation Planning
Hepinstall-Cymerman J., Alberti M., and S. Coe. 2009. Using urban landscape trajectories to develop a multi-temporal land cover database to support ecological modeling. Remote Sensing 1:1353-1379
Hepinstall J.A., Marzluff J.M., and Alberti M. 2009. Modeling the responses of birds to predicted changes in land cover in an urbanizing region. Pages 625-659 In J.J. Millspaugh and F.R. Thompson III, eds. Models For Planning Wildlife Conservation In Large Landscapes. Elsevier Science. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Merry K., Bettinger P., and J. Hepinstall. 2009. Physical and biological responses of forests to tropical cyclones affecting the United States Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico Coasts. American Journal of Environmental Sciences 5(1):784-800
Bettinger P., Merry K.L., and J. Hepinstall. 2009. Post-hurricane forest management responses in the southern United States. Journal of Emergency Management 7(6): 35-50
Bettinger P., Merry K., and J. Hepinstall. 2009. Average tropical cyclone intensity along the Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and north Florida coasts. Southeastern Geographer 49:49-66
Hepinstall J.A., Alberti M., and J.M. Marzluff. 2008. Predicting land cover change and avian community responses in rapidly urbanizing environments. Landscape Ecology 28:1257-1276
Merry K. L., Bettinger P., Clutter M., Hepinstall J., and N. P. Nibbelink. 2007. An assessment of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) skills employed by field-level natural resource managers. Journal of Forestry 105:364-370
Alberti M., Redman C., Wu J., Marzluff J.M., Handcock M., Anderies J., Waddell P., Fox D., Kautz H., and J. Hepinstall. 2006. Urban landscape patterns and global environmental change (REC): Complex dynamics and emergent properties. International Human Dimension of Global Climate Change
Hepinstall J.A., Marzluff J.M., Handcock M., and P. Hurvitz. 2005. Incorporating utilization distributions into the study of resource selection: dealing with spatial autocorrelation” in Huzurbazar, S., editor, Resource Selection Methods and Applications. Pages 12-19. Omnipress, Madison, WI
Hepinstall J.A., Sader S.A., and W.B. Krohn. 2002. Effects of niche width on the performance and agreement of avian habitat models. Pages 593-606 In J.M. Scott, P.J. Heglund, M. Morrison, M. Raphael, J. Haufler, and B. Wall, eds. Predicting Species Occurrences: Issues of scale and accuracy. Island Press. Covello, CA
Sader S.A., Hayes D.J., Hepinstall J.A., Coan M., and C. Soza. 2001. Forest monitoring of a remote biosphere reserve. International Journal of Remote Sensing 22(10):1937-1950
Hepinstall J.A. and S.A. Sader. 1997. Using Bayesian statistics, Thematic Mapper satellite imagery, and Breeding Bird Survey data to model bird species probability of occurrence in Maine. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 63(10):1231-1237
Hepinstall J.A., Queen L.P., and P.A. Jordan. 1996. Application of a modified habitat suitability index model for moose. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 62(11):1281-1286
Hepinstall J.A. and R.L. Fuller. 1994. Limitation of periphyton by light and nutrients and the response of bacteria to these manipulations. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 131(2):161-182