Predicting the impact of hurricanes on forested ecosystems
Merry, K., P. Bettinger and J. Hepinstall. 2009. Physical and biological responses of forests to tropical cyclones affecting the United States Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico Coasts. American Journal of Environmental Sciences 5(1):784-800.
Bettinger, P., K.L. Merry, and J. Hepinstall. 2009. Post-hurricane forest management responses in the southern United States. Journal of Emergency Management. 7(6): 35-50.
Bettinger, P., Merry, K., and J. Hepinstall. 2009. Average tropical cyclone intensity along the Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and north Florida coasts. Southeastern Geographer 49:49-66.

White Ibis Project
The white ibis project is an ongoing research project since 2009 in south Florida, and the objectives of this study are to understand both how the effects of urbanization affect the behavior and health of this species, and if this species is a carrier of zoonotic pathogens. The project began with the band and re-sight component, and has expanded to include a GPS Transmitter project, which tracks the birds' movements throughout the year. The movement data collected will allow for the comparison of the movements, diets, and health of ibis using both urban and wetland resources.